Friday, April 10, 2015

What's Happening to this Blog?

Since I've been yammering non-stop lately about Europe, I've been debating something.

What is this blog about anymore?

I say this because, I started this blog two-three years ago with a handful of intentions:

(1) I wanted to share my weight loss story and let people know that anyone can get healthy.
(2) I wanted to recap races I'd ran to encourage others to start running.  Plus, I found a few years ago that many of the races I was interested in running in the Twin Cities didn't have blogs done about them, and I realized that if wanted to know what to expect if I paid $30+ to run that race, others probably wanted to know too.  (My first recap)
(3) I wanted to share interesting healthy lifestyle items such as recipesgadgetsworkout ideas, awesome clothes and so on with friends and students of my fitness classes.

Overall, I wanted my message to be something like ...

But, somehow along the way, I started blogging about some things that are maybe ... well ... a little less than "healthy".  Those topics include things like tap rooms and European vacations and random tidbits about me.  Plus, I admitted earlier this year that I put on some weight.

So I've been thinking, am I starting to sound like ...

What I mean by that is - am I derailing this blog too much?  Am I including information that's irrelevant to a healthy lifestyle?  And is my current weight proving that I'm not as healthy in real life as I preach I am here?

Yeah.  That's been my internal debate as of late.

Right around the same time that I started having these thoughts, I came across another blogger/fitness enthusiast/writer's Facebook page - James Fell - Body for Wife.  I had been familiar with him in the last year or so in my various blog discoveries and what not, but I hadn't followed him on Facebook. 

Honestly, following him on Facebook has been one of the best ideas I've had in the last few months.  I say this because reading his snarky yet realistic status updates on Facebook made me realize something.  Not something new.  Just something I've had in my head all along that I needed reminding of, really.

You might not see what I'm hinting at in that EXACT post, but his point (or at least what I derive from his ramblings) is ... We're all human.  We all like to eat and drink and do "bad" things.  And that's OK!!  Just be responsible about your "bad" choices and make some "good" choices as well.

I knew being "bad" was OK a long time ago, too.  I'd just lost site of that some the last few months since I've started to semi-guilt myself for my weight gain ... that hasn't increased by the way, but hasn't gone down much, either.

And in thinking about all this, I realized something else.  Sharing stuff about me and what I enjoy, like tap room visits, just proves that I'm human.  And that I can do "bad" things while still living overall a fairly healthy lifestyle.

So, yammering even further than I already have ... yes, I have expanded the content of this blog in the last year.  But so what?!  It's fun to share what I'm doing, and prove that I can be "bad" and "good" and have fun all along the way!

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