Friday, May 10, 2013

Glutton for Punishment

As if running the hilly hell last weekend wasn't enough, here's what's in store for me the rest of this month:
This is a team event for me.  My husband is doing the 18 mile bike, followed by a 3-4 mile kayak ride by my mother in law, and I'll finish out the race with an 8 mile trail run.  Wish me luck!
A local event, maybe I'll see you there?  Other options include a10K distance and a kids program.  You'll see me volunteering at the check-in!  (page 38)
It's amazing to think that 3 years ago, I could hardly even run... and now, I'm CHOOSING to run 100 miles in the month of May.  Good thing I got myself a new pair of shoes on Wednesday night, I'll be needing them!

And of course... I'll still be teaching TBC (total body conditioning), attending my regular hot yoga classes, and hopefully sneaking in some bike commuting soon.

Care to join me in some activities?  Let me know!

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