Friday, January 10, 2014

Frozen Farts

For those of you who are totally clueless, don't watch the news, or live under a rock... it's been freakin' cold outside, yo!!


This is just insane.

Earlier this week it was so cold here that we were literally at -50.  So cold, in fact, that the governor declared school was cancelled.  For TWO DAYS IN A ROW! 

To put that in perspective, there hasn't been a school cancellation here due to extreme cold since 1996.  So it's a pretty big deal.

You can just about imagine how I'm feeling.

All this cold weather has spurred a lot of funny conversation with you folks.  Two of my favorite interactions have been as follows.

First, a suggestion for a new costume came in from someone who comes to my aerobic classes:

Hmmm... I appreciate the thought, but... even I have standards of things I won't wear.  Sorry.  LOL!

Also, I suppose it says something about me that people are suggesting things like this to me.  I mean, they must think I would consider it...?

Oh boy, I guess my costumes have gotten a bit out of hand as of late.  Before New Years, I taught an aerobics class with a string of LED lights wrapped around me.  Which, in and of itself isn't really that big of a deal... until you take into consideration the fact that the battery pack required 3 D sized batteries and was about the size of a brick.  Fortunately, it fit in my SPIbelt, and I wore it around my waist (at my back).

Anyhow, I digress.

My second favorite interaction was this:

Honestly, that Facebook exchange wasn't THAT funny to me.  It was the following that really got me:

Wow!  One of my Facebook status got reposted.  I feel like a celebrity.  #IamAWESOME!

OMG.  I just used a hashtag.

In response to the cold, my sister decided to start creating some really cute stuff in her Etsy shop, so before I go, I thought I'd share.  And no, it's not the nose warmer above (although she could probably hook you up with one if you want it, just convo her).  Check it out:

Yep.  That's a Minion hat, Minecraft Creeper hat, and ... AH!  A shark!  Super cute, right?  If you're interested, check them out here.

Well, that's about all I have to say today!

So tell me, how are you going for you in the cold these days?

1 comment:

  1. I actually love the nose warmer idea. Usually the only way that I can keep my nose warm is by wearing a balaclava - but then I also have to deal with that whole bank-robber appearance thing. A nose warmer might still work well for a race in which you are wearing an appropriately themed costume (e.g. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer), though, right?
