Thursday, May 16, 2019

Favorite Teacher's Birthday - Extra Mom 2019

Right around the beginning of each new month, my son's "school" (daycare) sends out a month in summary packet.  In the packet, they lay out the educational themes they have planned for the upcoming weeks, the lunch menu, and various other details relevant to parents ... including classroom birthdays.

At the end of April, I grabbed the packet to take home and had a moment of glee.  My son's favorite teacher, and also a favorite of myself and my husband, was having her birthday a matter of a few weeks after our son!

A little background: now that my son's three, he's finally starting to put things like Christmas, birthdays, etc. together.  It's really getting fun because he understands the concept behind celebration, the purpose of gifts, special foods relevant to the festivities and so on ... and he gets so excited for the little things, no matter how ridiculous or trivial they might seem to an adult.

Waiting until we got home and settled into dinner, I opened a conversation with my son and husband about the upcoming birthday.

Me - So ... Ms. Kristen's birthday is coming up soon.
Husband - Oh, that's nice.  Will you bring her a present?
Son - YEAH!
Me - So, what should the present be?  Do you think ... we should bring her birthday cupcakes?
Son - YEAH!  (even more excited this time)
Me - OK, so what kind should they be?
Son - Chocolate.

Well ... technically this is a valid request.  Though not quite where I was going.

Me - (attempting to redirect) OK, chocolate sounds good.  But how about ... what should be on TOP of the cupcakes?
Son - Cream.

Again ... valid request.

Me - (let's try this again) Well, all cupcakes have frosting on them.  But remember how your cake at your birthday had construction trucks on it?  What do you think Ms. Kristen would like on top of her cupcakes?  Maybe flowers, or rainbows, or unicorns?
Son - (a brief pause for consideration, and then a very definitive statement) Astronaut Doggies.
Husband - SOLD!  We have a winner.

And so began my saga of trying to find an astronaut dog cake design.  Let's just say ... well ... you Google astronaut dog cake and see what you find.

Let me know when you find something that you can just print out and bring straight into a baker for reference.

I'm waiting ...

Yeah, thought not.

Doing a bunch of digging online, I found the best photo references I could and complied them into a wish list of sorts for the Target bakery cake decorating staff.

Since my son was so excited, he hand delivered the "instructions" (as he called them) to the baker at the counter, firmly saying "I want astronaut doggies birthday cake for my teacher".

I have to give the baker credit.  She very kindly smiled at him and said "that sounds like an EXCELLENT idea".  LOL!  Even I couldn't keep a straight face, and I knew what was coming!  Haha!

While the above "instructions" were in the works at Target, I let my son go wild at Claire's ... with some coaxing on my end.  You can probably guess what items he insisted on, and which ones I "encouraged" in the selection.

Note the birthday "crown" to fit the theme - LOL!  I thought it was kind of cute at least.

In addition to a gift, my son was insistent that he pick out a birthday card.  So, back at Target, we scoured the card isle.  Much to my surprise, my son found this one all on his own.  And though it was much more than I'd like to spend on a card, the technology inside was enough to make me cave and purchase it.

With a gift and card settled, all that was left was the errand of picking up the pull-apart cupcake cake from Target.

I'm sure you're dying to see how that turned out, so here's a picture:

And the rest was history ... as were the cupcakes, so I'm told.  LOL!

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