Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Moby's Top Fan

So a few days ago, maybe over the past weekend, I had an ... interesting, shall we say ... experience.

Let's dial it back for a second.  A few details to note.

(1)  If you read this blog with any regularity, or know me at all, you know I'm very open to the ideas of vegetarianism and veganism.  You then also know that I opt to practice both at various times throughout my week, on a regular basis, but am not committed to either as a full time lifestyle.

(2)  Additionally, per point 1 above, you likely know I enjoy music.  A lot.  And you know I enjoy said music at an extremely varied taste level ... we're talking Metallica to Migos to Rusted Root to Beatles to Britney Spears to Outkast and everything in between.  (Just no country, please!!!)

(3)  This fact many likely don't know: I follow various musical artists on Facebook. 

Ok, the above gets you up to speed enough that this story will now make sense.  Let's get back on track.

So whatever day it was within the last few days, Moby...  Yes, THE Moby, who at one point in time used to be a relevant musical artist ... Oh, was that mean?  Because to me it ALL seems like truth in advertising ...

Anyway, Moby published on Facebook one of his usual vegan, meant to be inflammatory, Facebook posts. 

Most days I simply ignore when he does that crap, letting it just filter through my Facebook feed, slowly allowing whatever stupidity was spewed be buried from existence by newer and newer feed posts. 

But for whatever reason, that day, I didn't want to just let it go. 

Putting aside the fact that a man made a somewhat derogatory comment about a woman's natural menstrual cycle ... which he CLEARLY doesn't even understand (because egg creation and menstruation are two entirely different processes) ... I couldn't quite stomach the fact that someone who presents themselves as such a scientifically educated individual was posting something that was so fundamentally scientifically incorrect.

For those of you who don't understand the menstrual cycle, I will just say this: creating or laying an egg is part of ovulation.  Ovulation is NOT menstruation.  That's as gross as I'll get on this public forum.  The end.


So I made a comment.

And like all things on the internet, we all held hands afterwards, sang koom-bye-ya, and hugged.

Hahahaha, yeah right.

Of course a vegan uprising ensued.  Not just directly at me, but throughout the entire comment thread. 

Yet - much to my surprise, some of the vegans were of a similar mind set to me.  They actually agreed that Moby's statement was in poor taste.  Though some were looking at it from more of a misogyny/shaming aspect, rather than from a scientific accuracy aspect, I still appreciated their thoughts on the matter.  Because I did agree - part of what rubbed me wrong about the post was a man calling something shameful because it's related to a woman's menstrual cycle.

Not wanting to be any further a part of the conversation, I simply unfollowed the post. 

And then, I thought ... you know, Moby hasn't ever really published any kind of usable content for me on Facebook - why exactly is it that I continue to allow his self righteousness onto my stream?  So I unfollowed him, unliked his page, and removed myself from his "follower" army.

Because, I figured ... even if I am only just one person ... why continue to let my number add to his reputation on Facebook?  Or anywhere else, for that matter.

So from my perspective, book closed.  I had pretty much forgotten about it in fact.

Until today.


OMG.  I laughed for a good, long time about that one.

Being curious, naturally, I went back to the post to see what drove this.  I knew it was only due to that post, because I NEVER comment on Moby's stuff.

Sure enough, look at all that love.  LOL!  And not a single angry face to boot!

Sigh.  Sometimes there IS good in the world.

So I thought about it for awhile.  Even though I'm no longer a follower of Moby, I decided to gracefully accept.

Because what's even funnier than getting a badge?  Owning said badge when you're not even a Moby fan.  LOL!!!!

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