Thursday, January 24, 2019

Let's Pretend

Let's pretend like my last post wasn't over a month and a half ago.

And while we're pretending, let's also gloss over the fact that it's a new year and I haven't done a year in review post.  Because honestly, I didn't achieve much from a fitness aspect last year, and no one cares if I recap my "extra mom" posts or not.  I mean, yeah, pirate themed gift bags are fun and all ... but there's no point in revisiting all that again.  You can search my blog if you need to see it.  Right?


The above being said, the last post I did was in regards to my Reddit Secret Santa gift.  The good news is, my partner received his gift and liked it.  The bad news is (sad clown whistle), my gift still hasn't arrived. 

I haven't lost all hope on receiving something but ... I mean ... can international postage MOVE ANY MORE SLOWLY?


While I impatiently await NY USPS to move that d@mn Reddit package my way, let's review a few of the positives in my life right now: 

(1) I'm working on getting back into running.  I'm doing run/walk intervals at this point, with the hope that when the snow melts enough that I can avoid ice running, I'll be able to at least pound out a mile or two on the trails by my work over lunch ... and not die while doing it.  Heh.

(1 b) Part of why I'm working on running is that I hope to do an indoor tri before April.  I'm half in half out on that one, mostly because I'm being cheap with paying registration fees, so we'll see.

(2) Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day are coming, and boy do I have some extra mom stuff ready to report on when those days near.

(3) My son will be 3 in April and he's been potty trained now for about a month. 

Yes, having a fully potty trained kid is exciting enough to warrant not one but TWO gif files.  You have no idea how nice it is to not deal with diapers, pull ups, or poopy pants in general.

So that's what's new.  What's new with you?

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